Curriculum vitae of Irmtraud Nora Gallhofer
1945 born Arnfels, Austria, since 1970 Dutch citizenship
2005 Laureate of the Descartes Prize of the EU, as member of the Central Coordinating
Team (CCT) of the European Social Survey (ESS) for the best European Research Project
1963 Leaving examination of highschool (Realgymnasium, Vienna, Austria)
1963-1968 Study at the University of Vienna (History and Romance languages)
1966-1967 Exchange grants of the Dutch and Belgian governments; study at the University of
Utrecht (The Netherlands) and the Free University of Brussels (Belgium)
1968 Phd History, University of Vienna; title of the thesis: “The ladies’peace of Cambrai,
1969-1972 Continuation of the study of Romance languages, University of Amsterdam
1972 MA, French, University of Amsterdam
1973 Study at the University of Washington (Seattle, U.S.A.), the ICPR Summerschool (University of Michigan, U.S.A.), specialization in Social Science data analysis
1974-1978 Study at the Summerschool of the ECPR (University of Essex, U.K.)
1969-1970 Research assistant, Department of Romance Languages and Literature, University of
1978-1979 Research assistant, Department of Education, Free University of Amsterdam
1980-1982 Research grant nr. 43-114 of the Dutch organization of the advancement of pure
research (ZWO), project “Dutch Foreign Policy decision-making”, Department of Methods and Techniques of Social Science data analysis, Free University , Amsterdam
1983 idem Department of Methods and Techniques of Political Science Research, University of Amsterdam
Managing director of the Sociometric Research Foundation , Amsterdam
Senior researcher of a National Science Foundation (NWO) project “An expert system for the prediction and improvement of the quality of survey research”
2001-2006 Senior researcher on projects of the European Social Survey (ESS), University of Amsterdam
2006 up to Senior researcher on projects of the European Social Survey (ESS), Esade (University of
the present Ramon Llull, Barcelona)
External administrative activities
1971-2005 Member of the Association for decision Making (SPDUM)
1976 Convenor and organizer together with W.E. Saris of the workshop on political decision making at the ECPR Joint Sessions in Grenoble
1979 up to
the present Consulting editor of the journal “Historical Social Research, Quantum Information”
1979-2002 Member of the Dutch research group for “Decision Behavior” of the foundation for
1981-1986 Chairman of the research group of “Content Analysis” of the Dutch Organization for
Methodological Social Science Research
1990-2000 Member of the Association of Political Psychology
1991-1999 Member of the American Political Science Association
2001- 2011 Member of the CCT of ESS
1973-1974 Validation study and orientation of potential available text-analysis instruments
for individual decision-making
1975-1980 Study of decision and argumentation theories; development of a reliable text-analysis approach for the argumentation of decision-makers
1980-1985 Application of the developed approach to a sample of Dutch Foreign Policy
decisions from the period of 1900 till 1955
Validation study of argumentation rules
1986 -1991 Qualitative and quantitative studies of evaluation of services
Development of computerized survey research questionnaires
1991-1997 Study of collective decision-making theories; development of a reliable text-analysis
approach for group decision-making
Application of the developed approach to a sample of Dutch foreign policy decisions
from this century
Comparative research on Austrian, German and American Foreign Policy decisions
1997 up to Study of the quality of survey questions
the present
2001 up to Study of the argumentations about the development and use of nuclear weapons
the present
Teaching activities
1975 –2001 Training of students in the field of text-analysis, decision-making and survey research
1980 –1995 Supervision of research practice and theses of students in the field of argumentation
and collective decision-making
1983 Course on arguments regarding the deployment of medium range ballistic missiles in different European countries, University of Amsterdam
1985-1987 Advanced text-analysis course at the Summerschool of the European Consortium for
Political Research (ECPR), University of Essex (U.K.)
Course on political argumentation and collective decision-making at the Summerschool of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), University of Essex (U.K.)
1986 –2002 Training of students in computer-assisted interviewing
2003 up to Training of students in computer assisted coding for the quality of survey questions
the present
Invited lectures at international meetings
1976 Presentation of a case study on Dutch foreign policy decisions at the ECPR Joint
Sessions in Grenoble, France
1980 Presentation of the developed decision analysis approach at the congress of Political
Psychology in Boston, U.S.A.
1981 Presentation of case studies at the Eighth Research conference on Subjective
Probability, Utility and Decision-Making in Budapest, Hungary
1983 Presentation of research findings of the project on Dutch foreign policy decisions
at the Ninth Research Conference on Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision- Making in Groningen, The Netherlands
1984 Presentation of the decision analysis approach at the ECPR Joint Sessions in Salzburg, Austria
Presentation of the text-analysis approaches for decision-making at the Joint Sessions of the European Group on Decision-Making in Fribourg, Switzerland
1986 Presentation of computerized decision questionnaires at the Joint Sessions of the European Group on Decision-Making in Gothenburg, Sweden
Presentation of the text-analysis approaches at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
1987 Presentation of a study how people generally choose at the Joint Sessions of the European Group on Decision-Making in Nieborow, Poland
Presentation of a study about generalizability of decision behavior from politicians
to other human beings, at the Eleventh Research Conference on Subjective Probability, Utility
and Decision-Making in Cambridge, U.K.
Presentation of studies of the argumentation of Dutch foreign policy decision-makers
at the International Congress on Communication and Cognition in Ghent, Belgium
1988 Presentation of a validation study of political decision rules at the International Conference on Social Science Methodology in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia
1990 Presentation of a study relating to the generation of alternatives of political-decision
makers at the International Sociological Association in Madrid, Spain
1991 Presentation of a study of Dutch Cabinet decisions at the Thirteenth Research Conference on Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision-Making in Fribourg,
1992 Presentation of a study of argumentation rules at the International Conference on
Argumentation in Amsterdam
Lecture at the University of the Netherlands Antilles (Curacao) at the Social and
Economic Faculty about the Decision of the Kingdom’s Council of Ministers to intervene with police forces during the rebellion in May 1969 -1998
Presentation of a paper on political decision making at the ISPP meeting in Montreal, Canada Presentation of a paper on systematic qualitative research at the Methodology Conference in Cologne Germany
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1975, Recente ontwikkelingen op het gebied van de geautomatiseerde inhoudsanalyse,
Acta Politica 4
W.E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer 1975, L’application d’un modèle de décision à des données historiques, Revue Francaise de Science Politique 3
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1978, Coder’s reliability in the study of decision-making concepts,
replications in time and across topics, Methoden en Data Nieuwsbrief van de Sociaal-
Wetenschappelijke Sectie van de Vereniging voor Statistiek, MDN 1
I.N. Gallhofer 1978, Programs for content-analysis available in the Netherlands, Methoden en Data
Nieuwsbrief van de Sociaal-Wetenschappelijke Sectie van de Vereniging voor Statistiek, MDN 1
J.Z. Namenwirth, W.E. Saris, I.N. Gallhofer and J. Kleinnijenhuis 1978, In search of semantic characteristics for
machine coding, Methoden en Data Nieuwsbrief van de Sociaal-Wetenschappelijke Sectie van de Vereniging voor Statistiek, MDN 1
J.Z.Namenwirth, I.N. Gallhofer and K. Niemöller 1978, Reader on text-analysis, MDN 1
I.N. Gallhofer, W.E. Saris and B.M. de Valk 1978, Een begrippenapparaat voor de beschrijving van
redeneringen van politici, Acta Politica 3
I.N. Gallhofer, W.E. Saris and E.L. Morton, 1978, A validation study of Holsti’s dictionary p rocedure, Quality and Quantity 13
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1979, The decision of the Dutch Council of Ministers and the Military Commander-in-Chief relating to the reduction of armed forces in autumn 1916,
Acta Politica 14
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1979, An analysis of the arguments of decision-makers using decision trees, Quality and Quantity 13
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1979, Strategy choices of Foreign Policy decision-makers: The Netherlands 1914, Journal of Conflict Resolution 23
I.N. Gallhofer 1981, Beslissingen betreffende de eerste politionele actie, Acta Politica 4
I.N. Gallhofer 1982, Beslissingen betreffende de tweede politionele actie, Acta Politica 1
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1982, A decision theoretical analysis of decisions of the Dutch government with respect to Indonesia, Quality and Quantity 16
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1983, A decision theoretical analysis of the Dutch government with
respect to the intervention of the Security Council in Indonesia in the winter of
1948/1949, Acta Politica 1
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1983, A decision theoretical analysis of decisions of the Dutch government in exile during World War II, Historical Social Research, Quantum Information 26
W.E.Saris and I.N. Gallhofer 1984, Formulations of real life decisions: a study of foreign policy decisions,
Acta Psychologica 56
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1985, Un procedimiento de codificación para la investigación empírica de la toma de decisiónes políticas, Revista Internacional de Sociología 43
I.N. Gallhofer , W.E. Saris and M. Melman 1986, The Empirical Decision analysis procedure. In:
I.N. Gallhofer,W.E. Saris and M. Melman eds., Different Text-Analysis Procedures for
the Study of Decision-Making. Amsterdam: Sociometric Research Foundation
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1988, A coding instrument for empirical research of political decision-making. In: W.E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer eds., Sociometric Research I,
London: Macmillan.
I.N. Gallhofer, W.E. Saris and M. Schellekens 1988, General recognition of political arguments. In:
L. Beach, B. Rohrmann, C. Vlek and S.Watson eds., Advances in Decision Research.
Amsterdam: North Holland, Elseviers publishers.
I.N. Gallhofer 1988, Research report on a computer assisted questionnaire of the choice of mort-
gages. SRF 88/03/10.
I.N. Gallhofer 1989, Graphische Darstellungsweisen von Entscheidungsbäumen. In: J. Bellers and
W. Woyke eds. Analyse Internationaler Beziehungen. Budrich, Opladen: Leske.
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1989, Three methods for analyzing decision-making using written documents. In: H. Montgomery and O. Svenson eds., Process and Structure in
Human Decision-Making. London: Wiley.
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1989, Decision trees and decision rules in politics: the Empirical
Decision Analysis Procedure. In: H. Montgomery and O. Svenson eds., Process and Structure in Human Decision-Making. London: Wiley.
I.N. Gallhofer 1989, Research report on the development of a measuring instrument of the
quality of services. SRF 10/20/89
I.N. Gallhofer 1990, Research report on the quality of services of MU, SRF 90/05/04
Kersten, H. Hartman, I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1990, Data collection on income and regular expenditures, SRF
I.N. Gallhofer 1991, Second Research report on the quality of services of MU and the rebuying factor.
SRF 91/06/06
H.Hartman, W.E. Saris, I.N. Gallhofer , J. Leeuwin, J.Verwey and N. Lemmens 1991, Data collection on expenditures, SRF
I.N. Gallhofer, W.E. Saris and R. Voogt 1994, From individual preferences to group decisions in
foreign policy decision-making: The Dutch Council of Ministers. European Journal of Political Research 25
W.E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer 1998, Classificatie van survey vragen, Tijdschrift voor Communicatie-
Wetenschappen 26
W.E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer 1998, De juiste formulering van een vraag. Weten we wel wat we
Meten, Onderzoek 16
I.N. Gallhofer und W. E. Saris 2000, Formulierung und Klassifikation von Fragen . ZUMA Nachrichten
W.E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer 2002, Report on the MTMM experiments in the pilot studies and a proposal for round 1
of the ESS. Report for the ESS
W.E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer 2003, Cross Cultural Research Comparability: The effects of random and systematic errors. Report about the quality of the first round of ESS data. Report for the ESS.
W.E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer (2004) Operationalization of social science concepts by intuition. Quality and
Quantity 38: 235-258
W.E. Saris, W.van der Veld and I.N. Gallhofer(2004) Development and improvement of questionnaires using
predictions of reliability and validity. In Presser et al. (Eds) Methods for testing and evaluating survey questionnaires. Hoboken, Wiley, 275-299.
W.E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer 2005, Evaluation of the topics in the supplementary questionnaire of the ESS pilot study
For the second round. Report for the ESS.
W.E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer 2006, The results of the MTMM experiments in round 2. Report for the ESS.
J.Z.Namenwirth, I.N. Gallhofer and K. Niemöller 1978, Reader on text-analysis, MDN 1
I.N. Gallhofer, W.E. Saris and M. Melman eds.1986, Different Text-Analysis Procedures
for the Study of Decision-Making. Amsterdam: Sociometric Research Foundation
W.E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer eds. 1988, Sociometric Research I.: Data Collection and Scaling. London: MacMillan
W.E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer eds. 1988, Sociometric Research II.: Data Analysis. London: MacMillan
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1996, Foreign Policy Decision-Making. A Qualitative and Quantitative
Analysis of Political Argumentation. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger.
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1997, Collective Choice Processes. A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of
Foreign Policy Decision-Making. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger.
W. E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer 2007, Design, Evaluation and Analysis of Questionnaires for Survey Research.
New York: Wiley.
W. E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer 2014 (second edition), Design, Evaluation and Analysis of Questionnaires for Survey
Research. New York: Wiley.
2005 Laureate of the Descartes Prize of the EU, as member of the Central Coordinating
Team (CCT) of the European Social Survey (ESS) for the best European Research Project
1963 Leaving examination of highschool (Realgymnasium, Vienna, Austria)
1963-1968 Study at the University of Vienna (History and Romance languages)
1966-1967 Exchange grants of the Dutch and Belgian governments; study at the University of
Utrecht (The Netherlands) and the Free University of Brussels (Belgium)
1968 Phd History, University of Vienna; title of the thesis: “The ladies’peace of Cambrai,
1969-1972 Continuation of the study of Romance languages, University of Amsterdam
1972 MA, French, University of Amsterdam
1973 Study at the University of Washington (Seattle, U.S.A.), the ICPR Summerschool (University of Michigan, U.S.A.), specialization in Social Science data analysis
1974-1978 Study at the Summerschool of the ECPR (University of Essex, U.K.)
1969-1970 Research assistant, Department of Romance Languages and Literature, University of
1978-1979 Research assistant, Department of Education, Free University of Amsterdam
1980-1982 Research grant nr. 43-114 of the Dutch organization of the advancement of pure
research (ZWO), project “Dutch Foreign Policy decision-making”, Department of Methods and Techniques of Social Science data analysis, Free University , Amsterdam
1983 idem Department of Methods and Techniques of Political Science Research, University of Amsterdam
Managing director of the Sociometric Research Foundation , Amsterdam
Senior researcher of a National Science Foundation (NWO) project “An expert system for the prediction and improvement of the quality of survey research”
2001-2006 Senior researcher on projects of the European Social Survey (ESS), University of Amsterdam
2006 up to Senior researcher on projects of the European Social Survey (ESS), Esade (University of
the present Ramon Llull, Barcelona)
External administrative activities
1971-2005 Member of the Association for decision Making (SPDUM)
1976 Convenor and organizer together with W.E. Saris of the workshop on political decision making at the ECPR Joint Sessions in Grenoble
1979 up to
the present Consulting editor of the journal “Historical Social Research, Quantum Information”
1979-2002 Member of the Dutch research group for “Decision Behavior” of the foundation for
1981-1986 Chairman of the research group of “Content Analysis” of the Dutch Organization for
Methodological Social Science Research
1990-2000 Member of the Association of Political Psychology
1991-1999 Member of the American Political Science Association
2001- 2011 Member of the CCT of ESS
1973-1974 Validation study and orientation of potential available text-analysis instruments
for individual decision-making
1975-1980 Study of decision and argumentation theories; development of a reliable text-analysis approach for the argumentation of decision-makers
1980-1985 Application of the developed approach to a sample of Dutch Foreign Policy
decisions from the period of 1900 till 1955
Validation study of argumentation rules
1986 -1991 Qualitative and quantitative studies of evaluation of services
Development of computerized survey research questionnaires
1991-1997 Study of collective decision-making theories; development of a reliable text-analysis
approach for group decision-making
Application of the developed approach to a sample of Dutch foreign policy decisions
from this century
Comparative research on Austrian, German and American Foreign Policy decisions
1997 up to Study of the quality of survey questions
the present
2001 up to Study of the argumentations about the development and use of nuclear weapons
the present
Teaching activities
1975 –2001 Training of students in the field of text-analysis, decision-making and survey research
1980 –1995 Supervision of research practice and theses of students in the field of argumentation
and collective decision-making
1983 Course on arguments regarding the deployment of medium range ballistic missiles in different European countries, University of Amsterdam
1985-1987 Advanced text-analysis course at the Summerschool of the European Consortium for
Political Research (ECPR), University of Essex (U.K.)
Course on political argumentation and collective decision-making at the Summerschool of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), University of Essex (U.K.)
1986 –2002 Training of students in computer-assisted interviewing
2003 up to Training of students in computer assisted coding for the quality of survey questions
the present
Invited lectures at international meetings
1976 Presentation of a case study on Dutch foreign policy decisions at the ECPR Joint
Sessions in Grenoble, France
1980 Presentation of the developed decision analysis approach at the congress of Political
Psychology in Boston, U.S.A.
1981 Presentation of case studies at the Eighth Research conference on Subjective
Probability, Utility and Decision-Making in Budapest, Hungary
1983 Presentation of research findings of the project on Dutch foreign policy decisions
at the Ninth Research Conference on Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision- Making in Groningen, The Netherlands
1984 Presentation of the decision analysis approach at the ECPR Joint Sessions in Salzburg, Austria
Presentation of the text-analysis approaches for decision-making at the Joint Sessions of the European Group on Decision-Making in Fribourg, Switzerland
1986 Presentation of computerized decision questionnaires at the Joint Sessions of the European Group on Decision-Making in Gothenburg, Sweden
Presentation of the text-analysis approaches at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
1987 Presentation of a study how people generally choose at the Joint Sessions of the European Group on Decision-Making in Nieborow, Poland
Presentation of a study about generalizability of decision behavior from politicians
to other human beings, at the Eleventh Research Conference on Subjective Probability, Utility
and Decision-Making in Cambridge, U.K.
Presentation of studies of the argumentation of Dutch foreign policy decision-makers
at the International Congress on Communication and Cognition in Ghent, Belgium
1988 Presentation of a validation study of political decision rules at the International Conference on Social Science Methodology in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia
1990 Presentation of a study relating to the generation of alternatives of political-decision
makers at the International Sociological Association in Madrid, Spain
1991 Presentation of a study of Dutch Cabinet decisions at the Thirteenth Research Conference on Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision-Making in Fribourg,
1992 Presentation of a study of argumentation rules at the International Conference on
Argumentation in Amsterdam
Lecture at the University of the Netherlands Antilles (Curacao) at the Social and
Economic Faculty about the Decision of the Kingdom’s Council of Ministers to intervene with police forces during the rebellion in May 1969 -1998
Presentation of a paper on political decision making at the ISPP meeting in Montreal, Canada Presentation of a paper on systematic qualitative research at the Methodology Conference in Cologne Germany
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1975, Recente ontwikkelingen op het gebied van de geautomatiseerde inhoudsanalyse,
Acta Politica 4
W.E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer 1975, L’application d’un modèle de décision à des données historiques, Revue Francaise de Science Politique 3
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1978, Coder’s reliability in the study of decision-making concepts,
replications in time and across topics, Methoden en Data Nieuwsbrief van de Sociaal-
Wetenschappelijke Sectie van de Vereniging voor Statistiek, MDN 1
I.N. Gallhofer 1978, Programs for content-analysis available in the Netherlands, Methoden en Data
Nieuwsbrief van de Sociaal-Wetenschappelijke Sectie van de Vereniging voor Statistiek, MDN 1
J.Z. Namenwirth, W.E. Saris, I.N. Gallhofer and J. Kleinnijenhuis 1978, In search of semantic characteristics for
machine coding, Methoden en Data Nieuwsbrief van de Sociaal-Wetenschappelijke Sectie van de Vereniging voor Statistiek, MDN 1
J.Z.Namenwirth, I.N. Gallhofer and K. Niemöller 1978, Reader on text-analysis, MDN 1
I.N. Gallhofer, W.E. Saris and B.M. de Valk 1978, Een begrippenapparaat voor de beschrijving van
redeneringen van politici, Acta Politica 3
I.N. Gallhofer, W.E. Saris and E.L. Morton, 1978, A validation study of Holsti’s dictionary p rocedure, Quality and Quantity 13
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1979, The decision of the Dutch Council of Ministers and the Military Commander-in-Chief relating to the reduction of armed forces in autumn 1916,
Acta Politica 14
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1979, An analysis of the arguments of decision-makers using decision trees, Quality and Quantity 13
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1979, Strategy choices of Foreign Policy decision-makers: The Netherlands 1914, Journal of Conflict Resolution 23
I.N. Gallhofer 1981, Beslissingen betreffende de eerste politionele actie, Acta Politica 4
I.N. Gallhofer 1982, Beslissingen betreffende de tweede politionele actie, Acta Politica 1
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1982, A decision theoretical analysis of decisions of the Dutch government with respect to Indonesia, Quality and Quantity 16
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1983, A decision theoretical analysis of the Dutch government with
respect to the intervention of the Security Council in Indonesia in the winter of
1948/1949, Acta Politica 1
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1983, A decision theoretical analysis of decisions of the Dutch government in exile during World War II, Historical Social Research, Quantum Information 26
W.E.Saris and I.N. Gallhofer 1984, Formulations of real life decisions: a study of foreign policy decisions,
Acta Psychologica 56
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1985, Un procedimiento de codificación para la investigación empírica de la toma de decisiónes políticas, Revista Internacional de Sociología 43
I.N. Gallhofer , W.E. Saris and M. Melman 1986, The Empirical Decision analysis procedure. In:
I.N. Gallhofer,W.E. Saris and M. Melman eds., Different Text-Analysis Procedures for
the Study of Decision-Making. Amsterdam: Sociometric Research Foundation
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1988, A coding instrument for empirical research of political decision-making. In: W.E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer eds., Sociometric Research I,
London: Macmillan.
I.N. Gallhofer, W.E. Saris and M. Schellekens 1988, General recognition of political arguments. In:
L. Beach, B. Rohrmann, C. Vlek and S.Watson eds., Advances in Decision Research.
Amsterdam: North Holland, Elseviers publishers.
I.N. Gallhofer 1988, Research report on a computer assisted questionnaire of the choice of mort-
gages. SRF 88/03/10.
I.N. Gallhofer 1989, Graphische Darstellungsweisen von Entscheidungsbäumen. In: J. Bellers and
W. Woyke eds. Analyse Internationaler Beziehungen. Budrich, Opladen: Leske.
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1989, Three methods for analyzing decision-making using written documents. In: H. Montgomery and O. Svenson eds., Process and Structure in
Human Decision-Making. London: Wiley.
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1989, Decision trees and decision rules in politics: the Empirical
Decision Analysis Procedure. In: H. Montgomery and O. Svenson eds., Process and Structure in Human Decision-Making. London: Wiley.
I.N. Gallhofer 1989, Research report on the development of a measuring instrument of the
quality of services. SRF 10/20/89
I.N. Gallhofer 1990, Research report on the quality of services of MU, SRF 90/05/04
Kersten, H. Hartman, I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1990, Data collection on income and regular expenditures, SRF
I.N. Gallhofer 1991, Second Research report on the quality of services of MU and the rebuying factor.
SRF 91/06/06
H.Hartman, W.E. Saris, I.N. Gallhofer , J. Leeuwin, J.Verwey and N. Lemmens 1991, Data collection on expenditures, SRF
I.N. Gallhofer, W.E. Saris and R. Voogt 1994, From individual preferences to group decisions in
foreign policy decision-making: The Dutch Council of Ministers. European Journal of Political Research 25
W.E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer 1998, Classificatie van survey vragen, Tijdschrift voor Communicatie-
Wetenschappen 26
W.E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer 1998, De juiste formulering van een vraag. Weten we wel wat we
Meten, Onderzoek 16
I.N. Gallhofer und W. E. Saris 2000, Formulierung und Klassifikation von Fragen . ZUMA Nachrichten
W.E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer 2002, Report on the MTMM experiments in the pilot studies and a proposal for round 1
of the ESS. Report for the ESS
W.E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer 2003, Cross Cultural Research Comparability: The effects of random and systematic errors. Report about the quality of the first round of ESS data. Report for the ESS.
W.E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer (2004) Operationalization of social science concepts by intuition. Quality and
Quantity 38: 235-258
W.E. Saris, W.van der Veld and I.N. Gallhofer(2004) Development and improvement of questionnaires using
predictions of reliability and validity. In Presser et al. (Eds) Methods for testing and evaluating survey questionnaires. Hoboken, Wiley, 275-299.
W.E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer 2005, Evaluation of the topics in the supplementary questionnaire of the ESS pilot study
For the second round. Report for the ESS.
W.E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer 2006, The results of the MTMM experiments in round 2. Report for the ESS.
J.Z.Namenwirth, I.N. Gallhofer and K. Niemöller 1978, Reader on text-analysis, MDN 1
I.N. Gallhofer, W.E. Saris and M. Melman eds.1986, Different Text-Analysis Procedures
for the Study of Decision-Making. Amsterdam: Sociometric Research Foundation
W.E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer eds. 1988, Sociometric Research I.: Data Collection and Scaling. London: MacMillan
W.E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer eds. 1988, Sociometric Research II.: Data Analysis. London: MacMillan
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1996, Foreign Policy Decision-Making. A Qualitative and Quantitative
Analysis of Political Argumentation. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger.
I.N. Gallhofer and W.E. Saris 1997, Collective Choice Processes. A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of
Foreign Policy Decision-Making. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger.
W. E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer 2007, Design, Evaluation and Analysis of Questionnaires for Survey Research.
New York: Wiley.
W. E. Saris and I.N. Gallhofer 2014 (second edition), Design, Evaluation and Analysis of Questionnaires for Survey
Research. New York: Wiley.